
In Memory of Cee Kay Sash "Dollar" June 7, 1992 - June 8, 2012

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brief Ride

Well, I did manage to sneak down to my Dad's place to ride Dollar for a bit before I had to pick up Keith from work at 3:30.

Got to the barn around 2:30, quickly ran to the barn, grabbed the barrel reins and went to go get Dollar from the holding pen and paused to see if I could possibly get my trailer out for when I want to go riding with Kelly in a couple weeks. Umm...I think not.....

I don't think the trailer's coming out anytime soon...

Looks like Kelly's gonna have to come down to ride. I'm not getting that thing out anytime soon. Sigh. Once I was done being a bit blah about the stuck trailer, I said hello to Sue and grabbed Dollar for a quick jaunt. Got Dollar out of the holding pen, clipped the barrel reins to his halter, climbed up on the fence and jumped on. We worked a bit on our walking and trotting around (still sucks that I don't have an indoor arena to do actual work) and loved him up lots. He behaved like a true gentleman and of course I had to show off my mad riding skillz...

Look Ma! No hands!!

Hehes. Reasons why I love him. After riding him around a little bit more, I glazed at the time and realized that I had to go pick up Keith. So I stopped Dollar in the middle of the arena, hopped off and put him back into the holding pen. Hoping the weather keeps up with the warm temperatures so that I can keep on riding!

1 comment:

  1. I used to have reins like that (only in white). They were the best. I wish I still had them.
