
In Memory of Cee Kay Sash "Dollar" June 7, 1992 - June 8, 2012

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bakin' Time!!!

Woke up around 9:00 and dragged my lazy arse out of bed. Kelly was coming down around 12, so I had to make sure that I had everything ready for our baking adventure. Once I had double-checked everything, I lazed around the house until I got the text from Kelly saying that she was here. I told her which door to come through (if you go through the other door, it takes you into our basement tenants) and waited for her to come in. Once she came in, we talked for a bit and then Keith mentioned that we hadn't eaten yet. So while me and Kelly were talking, I quickly made some food for me and Keith and scarfed it down.

Once I was done eating, me and Kelly got to work. We had decided earlier in the week to make an Oat Cake and Carrot Crispies. Kelly was being really proud of herself that she didn't need directions this time! Yeah! And no accidents, roll overs, ditches or getting stuck! Lol. I warned her before hand. We grabbed everything that we needed and got to work making the treats. I was just hoping that Dollar was going to like what we were making, otherwise, I was going to be very disappointed.

We decided to make the Oat Cake first and got to work. It was pretty easy, but we kept getting distracted with all of our talking. And Keith threatening to throw Kelly in the snow bank, ankle deep, head first. Kelly was talking about rainbowfying Keith, so he kept threatening her with that. I was too busy laughing. Once we actually got to baking it, it didn't take long to come together. Only, it would take about 40 minutes in the oven. That's fine.

Oops. Accidentally cut off Kelly's head, surveying our mission. Lol.

Kelly plotting....


A controlled mess.

That's me!! Doing the slave work. Lol.

Beginnings of the Oat Cake

Kelly surveying the damage.

We were having a blast. Of course if you know Kelly (or me by any matter) the conversations were sick and hilarious at the same time. She kept going on and on about how she almost bought 2 lbs of walnuts when we only needed 1/2 cup. Lol.

Once we were done with the oat cake and it was in the oven, we started on the Carrot Crispies. I was measuring some stuff out and I told Kelly to measure and pour in the molasses. Bad idea. She got an evil look on her face and was like "Really? You're gonna let me pour the molasses??" Oh dear. But to her credit, she didn't make a mess. Lol. And then we came upon a delimna. See, the recipe called for bran, which I forgot to pick up. So my brilliant thinking was to just add more flour. And because it was supposed to be a doughy consistency, I asked Keith if there was any substitution that we had for Bran. He said no, but we could run down to the grocery store and grab some or grab granola. Of course then Kelly was going "Well, what about walnuts? Captain Crunch? Rice Krispies? Arm & Hammer? WALNUTS??"
Me: "Walnuts?? Why walnuts??"
Kelly: "Because. For some reason, I like walnuts."
Me: laughing my ass off.
Keith: rolling his eyes and probably wondering why he let me have Kelly down. Lol.

Once the Oat Cake was done baking, we took it out and put the Carrot Crispies in there. And we proceeded to decorate the cake. Lol. Basically I put molasses on the top and Kelly covered it in walnuts. Yes, we were having fun.
Oat Cake

While the crispies were baking, we were sitting at the table, just talking and laughing. Then made plans that once the crispies were done baking, we were going to head down to my parents place to try the treats out on Dollar. The crispies were done baking soon after, so we took them out to cool. Now the recipe said to cover then in confectioner's sugar. All I had was icing sugar, so I asked Keith if that was the same. He said sure. So this is what we did...

Carrot Crispies

Yup, just having fun. And then we had to figure out how to divide everything. I have only 1 horse, while Kelly has 6. So Kelly suggested that we each take a cake and then I figured out how to divide the crispies, we separated everything and then decided to go visit Old Man.

Got down to my parents place and headed to the back to experiment on spoil Dollar. I got him out of the holding pen and brought him up to the fence. I tried the crispies first and he almost took my hand off. He really did love them! And then of course, because of the molasses, he started doing the sticky mouth thing of opening and closing his mouth, while moving his tongue around like crazy. Totally hilarious. And thanks to Kelly for taking photos. He wasn't too keen on the oat cake at first, probably because of the molasses still in his mouth. So I tried it on Mars. Well, him and Reno tried to take my hand off. Guess it was good! Then I went back to Dollar and tried it again on him. And he liked it as well. I had only brought 3 pieces of cake with me, so I decided to take Dollar back into the pen and give the last piece to Sue.

So Dollar went back him and probably started bragging that he was the most spoiled horse there. I gave Sue the other piece of cake, which he scarfed down in no time. While I was watching Sue, me and Kelly were talking and Mars was standing by the fence. Now, Mars has no manners when it comes to food and gets really cranks when he doesn't get it all. So he was by the fence and so was Kelly. And I could see the gears start rolling in his head as he turned his face toward Kelly, with a look in his eyes, ears flat and teeth bared. Me being me, I went up to him and lightly punched him one in the mouth for that and warned him not to do it again. Well he went for it again, and this time got a harder punch for it. Then he backed away. Kelly was just laughing that I'd do that to Mars, but I don't take snarky attitude like that from him at all. Me and Mars have a hater/hate relationship.

After we were done there, me and Kelly headed back to my place and then Kelly headed home as she had stuff to do. Should definitely do this more often. Had a blast!


  1. This was LOTS of fun! My cake got mauled by the cats lol but I still have a bunch of crispies left! They're rock hard but once you break them apart then they're chewie. The horses love them... except Renegade and Skylla.

    Dollar got ULTRA spoiled but he totally deserves it. He's awesome. Sue deserved his treat as well. I feel bad he gets so picked on. Mars... well... I can't say that I like him... I'd like to let Skylla have a word with him... haha

    We should DEFINITELY do stuff like this more often... if Keith can handle it... mu ha ha ha... I mean... I'll be good!

  2. Keith said as long as you don't rainbowfy him, you can come down. Lol. Maybe we'll try to put him in the snowbank.
